Physical activity can boost cognitive growth in preschoolers, Forschungskolloquium

Category Event

How do physical activity and fundamental motor skill interventions affect preschoolers cognitive and academic skills? Evidence from two systematic reviews and intervention studies.


Pinja Jylänki, PhD, University of Oulu, Finland


It is suggested that physical activity and fundamental motor skills may influence the development of cognitive and academic skills (Best, 2010). This relationship has been studied more in school-aged children; however, preschoolers remain understudied (Pesce et al., 2021). To answer this research gap, two systematic reviews of the effects of physical activity and fundamental motor skill interventions on cognitive and academic skills in preschoolers were conducted. About 70% of the intervention studies found positive effects on typically developing children and children with special educational needs. Based on the review findings, an intervention program called «Movement with Early Numeracy (MovEN)» was developed. The program combines the learning of numerical relational and fundamental motor skills. The pilot study demonstrated that the intervention was effective on preschoolers' early numeracy. In the second intervention study, the effects of the MovEN intervention were compared with early numeracy and fundamental motor skill interventions. Both interventions with an early numeracy component were effective on early numeracy. However, with the MovEN intervention, it was also possible to support fundamental motor skills.


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