ProSign 2: Promoting Quality in Sign Language Teaching in Europe
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
Through various dissemination activities and the analysis of existing materials, the ProSign 2 project is developing resources that can be used in the training of sign language teachers. Based on the results of the ProSign 1 project and the results of the ProSign 2 project, a website with resources in English and International Sign was created at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz.
Project Management
Project number
Project Team
- Beppie van den Bogaerde
- Christian Rathmann
- Lorraine Leeson
- Survey Report from the ECML Project
ProSign: Sign Languages for Professional Purposes (2012-2015): The Implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Sign Languages in Higher Education: Results of an International Survey.