ProSign 2: Promoting Quality in Sign Language Teaching in Europe

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

Through various dissemination activities and the analysis of existing materials, the ProSign 2 project is developing resources that can be used in the training of sign language teachers. Based on the results of the ProSign 1 project and the results of the ProSign 2 project, a website with resources in English and International Sign was created at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz.

Project Management

Tobias Haug Title Prof. Dr.


Professor für Gebärdensprache und Partizipation bei Hörbehinderung / Leiter Bachelor Gebärdensprachdolmetschen


  • Duration
  • Project number

Project Team

  • Beppie van den Bogaerde
  • Christian Rathmann
  • Lorraine Leeson

Initial Situation

The ProSign 2 project was carried out as part of the Languages at the Heart of Learning framework programme at the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) in Graz/Austria from 2016 to 2019. It is a follow-up project to ProSign 1: Signed Languages for Professional Purposes.

Building on the results of ProSign 1, the first step ProSign 2 was to conduct a Europe-wide survey with the aim of gaining an overview of the education and further education opportunities for sign language teachers.

The project pursued the following objectives:

  • Development of a competence-orientated framework of reference for sign language teachers.
  • Compilation of teaching and practice materials for level B2, based on various European sign languages.
  • Development of a framework for a European Language Portfolio (ELP) that does justice to the modality-specific aspects of sign languages

Methodological approach

The target groups of this project were:

  • Lecturers who work in education and further education programmes in the tertiary sector for sign language teachers
  • People who are training to become sign language teachers and
  • Sign language learners

The following methodological approach has been chosen:

  • Creation of a first draft of a competence-oriented framework of reference for sign language teachers. The following resources and sources form the basis:
  1. Available information on education programmes for sign language teachers in Europe.
  2. Framework of reference for language teachers of spoken languages with an interface for the ECML project Towards a CEFR for Language Teachers
  3. Input from experts
  • Feedback from a network meeting in 2017 and a workshop in 2018 was incorporated into a revision. The feedback was recorded in writing and then incorporated into additions and clarifications to the competence descriptions.


At end of the project, a publication website was created. All resources are available there in the form of English texts and in International Sign. The website contains the following products:

  • Competence-oriented framework of reference for the education and further education of sign language teachers.
  • Information about and resources for sign language assessment.
  • Examples of an electronic European Language Portfolio (ELP) for sign language learners.
  • Resources from the ProSign 1 project.

Conclusions for practice

The project makes a contribution ...

  • to improve sign language teaching, both on the part of teachers and learners.
  • the increasing professionalisation and standardisation of training courses for sign language teachers.
  • for greater awareness of the teaching and learning of sign languages in the context of the UNCRPD and its contribution to inclusion.
  • for a greater awareness of the linguistic and cultural diversity of sign languages within Europe.
  • for the promotion of the recognition of sign language learning as a component of foreign languages.
