Allocation of Special Needs Education Provisions at Bäretswil Secondary School
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
The Bäretswil Schulgemeinde (local education authority) features a higher than average number of special schools and private schools funded by the local education authority and a greater proportion of pupils in small classes. There is an over proportionate number of pupils on the integrated schooling programme and in a small class B, most notably at secondary school level (upper secondary level C with mixed age groups).
Due to the implementation of the new 'Volksschulgesetz' (school law) in canton Zurich, the local education authority will close the small class B during the 2009/10 academic year. With this threat of closure, in part already implemented, the impending comparatively high special education quota has become a cause for concern. Both the Bäretswil local education authority and the canton of Zurich's 'Volksschulamt' (school authority) wish to avoid undesired consequences, such as a further increase in the special education quota due to some children with additional support needs being taught elsewhere in special schools.
The objective of this study is to identify the reasons for the comparatively high quota of pupils in special schools and, if possible, provide solution or development advice.
Project Management
Christian Liesen Title Prof. Dr.
Project number
Project Team
- Achim Hättich
- Martin Venetz
Financial support
- (2010).Oberstufe Bäretswil: Überprüfung des zusätzlichen pädagogischen Unterstützungsbedarfs und der Zuweisung zu sonderpädagogischen Massnahmen: Schlussbericht.Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilädagogik, Zürich.