Participation for adults with disabilities (TemB)
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
Now that the concepts »participation” and »inclusion” have set the course in terms of objective, the implementation of UN RPD is reflected above all in the daily lives of people with disabilities of various kinds. The fundamental question is about what society and individuals can do to enable people with disabilities to participate in society on all levels. This participation should not be confined to specific areas of life, but should be experienced day by day. Apart from the evaluation of secondary data, for example by Zwicky (2003), there have been few studies in Switzerland devoted to opportunities for participation, facilitating factors and barriers to successful participation from the perspective of those concerned. The aim of this study is to ascertain the perspective of people with disabilities in relation to opportunities and constraints around participation in the fields of employment, housing, education, family & partnership and recreation, leisure & cultural life.
Project Management
Michaela Studer Title lic. phil.
Andreas Pfister Title Prof. Dr.
Hochschule Luzern
Project number
Project Team
- Pia Georgi-Tscherry
- Fabian Berger
Financial support
- (2017).Teilhabe von Menschen mit einer Beeinträchtigung (TeMB Studie). Eine qualitative Rekonstruktion über verschiedene Teilhabebereiche und Beeinträchtigungsformen hinweg.Hochschule Luzern – Soziale Arbeit und Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik.
- (2017, February 18).Teilhabe von Menschen mit einer Beeinträchtigung (TeMB Studie): Kurzbericht auf D/F/I und leichter Sprache[Online-Ressource].Pro Infirmis.
- (2016).Teilhabe von erwachsenen Menschen mit einer körperlichen, kognitiven oder psychischen Beeinträchtigung: Schlussbericht.Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik.