Support of gifted/talented students and promotion of giftedness/talent in elementary education in the Canton of Zurich
Category Project
Ausgangslage und Ziele
Promoting giftedness/talent and supporting gifted/talented students are part of the fundamental mission of the mainstream school (see, in German, -> Handreichung Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung). As for supporting gifted/talented students, most gifted and highly gifted students are taught in regular classes or sometimes within an Integrative Förderung (IF) [integrative support] program in regular classes. In accordance with § 5 of the Verordnung über Sonderpädagogische Massnahmen [ordinance on special needs education measures], the communes/municipalities can provide at their own cost additional education measures for gifted students. As a fundamental mission of the schools, promoting giftedness/talent pertains to all students and takes place mainly in regular classes as well. Students can show talent in diverse fields; the term 'talent' does not indicate the degree of talent.
As a basis for determining any further needs for action in these two areas, the Office of Elementary Education (VSA) lacks systematic data on the type, extent, and implementation of the offerings. The aim of this research project is therefore to inventory the situation in the schools in the Canton of Zurich.
Project Management
Project number
Project Team
- Martina Schweizer
- Barbara Graf Vuk
Financial support
- Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich Volksschulamt VSA