SECEL Development-Based Scales

Category Project

Ausgangslage und Ziele

Scales for the Development-based and Curriculum-based Evaluation of Learning Status


The 'Scales for the Development-based and Curriculum-based Evaluation of Learning Status' project will attempt to fathom the interface between development-related & curriculum-related diagnostics and support. This will enable the compilation of a set of standards to encompass those pupils who do not reach the minimal standards to be set by the HarmoS concordat. A British instrument called the P-Scales will serve as the starting point; this is already translated into German and French for use in Switzerland¨.



Project Management

Christian Liesen Title Prof. Dr.


  • Duration
  • Project number

Financial support


This investigation will discover whether it is possible for teaching staff to gain an insight into the development / curriculum relationship using an adapted version of the British P-Scales instrument. The question of how the development status of pupils relates to the demands made upon them by the curriculum is essential to the professional activities of teaching staff. It is possible that standard-based competence assessments can support pedagogic processes, as both are able to illustrate systematically.

Methodical approach

The project is split into three modules:

  1. Formulation of the project's context (lead: HfH): It is to be demonstrated how P-Scales testing will relate to conceptual, pedagogic and political contexts (research programme).
  2. Determining the evaluation methods (lead: PSE): A comparative evaluation method encompassing qualitative and quantitative components is to be defined. With regard to contents, the implementation of the P-Scales is to be documented by the teaching staff, fixed examples found and an evaluation of the practical testing established.
  3. Explorative field-testing of the P-Scales (lead: PHZH): It is necessary to carry out a field test consisting initially of 2-3 case studies per participating university and using identical modalities in both integrative and separative settings. Supervised students from all three institutions will be engaged for the project work.