Guest Professor Minna Törmänen: «Hyvää päivää – Guten Tag! Greetings from Finland»

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In January 2019 I had a great pleasure to start to work as guest professor at HfH in Institute for Professionalization and System Development. However, I am also having a position at University of Helsinki, working in Switzerland and for HfH has been «a dream come true« for some years!

I have many years’ experience as a teacher educator in Finland, where I have been educating special education teachers, class teachers and subject teachers at University of Helsinki and Åbo Akademi University. Lately, I had chance to develop new teacher education program at University of Helsinki in which multilingualism, diversity and social justice form the common profile of the program. The program emphasize also special educational aspects in teacher education from early education to secondary education; idea is to enhance the knowledge of inclusive education and further inclusive society.

My career is international, I have working experience as a teacher in elementary school from Finland, Sweden and Canada as class teacher, music teacher, and special educator. In different time points I and my family have been living abroad over nine years. At university I have been working over 15 years, mostly in teacher education, however at University of Bern I had unique opportunity to work at institute of psychology and Center of Cognition, Learning and Memory which was important in order to develop multidisciplinary perspectives in my research. Worth mentioning is working experience as a director of Swiss Graduate School for Cognition, Learning and Memory, which gives doctoral education for PhD students producing groundbreaking basic research on cognition, learning and memory within behavioral science, like in the fields of psychology, education, neurology, psychiatry, and related areas.

My research profile is multidisciplinary and international, and research interests lie in development and individual learning and educational capabilities within persons from early education to adult education having either special educational needs or typical development. The core for my research interests are in learning processes and especially in cognitive processing, like executive functioning and its development, and importantly, in research-based practices i.e. interventions. Besides multidisciplinary research on learning competences and its background factors, like socio-emotional and motivational factors, I have applied my research in the field of different pedagogical methods and quality of learning environments including ideologies of inclusion and equality. Methodologically I have often used intervention studies, which is demanding as a methodology, but at its best it produces important new knowledge on individual learning processes of diverse learners. When intervention studies are conducted in natural settings, e.g. at schools, close multi-professional collaboration is needed and importantly, as a practical implication interventions can be used as continuous pedagogical method following Response to Intervention ideology (three-tiered system). More detailed information of my research will be found from:

At HfH I am part of Professor Lanfranchi`s ZEPPELIN research project, a project I have been following since 2011 when I participated «LDW World Congress on Learning Disabilities» at HfH, and afterwards several times in different EARLI or EARLI SIG conferences. I am very pleased to have an opportunity to be part of this unique research project! Currently, I am working for HfH for 50% and in addition to ZEPPELIN project I am involved in Forschungskolloquium, Wahlmodule & Ringvorlesungen. Noteworthy, during fall 2019 we are organizing together with Professor Monika T. Wicki an international workshop entitled: «Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in European Countries – Scientific exchange for comparative analysis». Key experts are invited to come to HfH!

However, I am writing my greetings to you in English I am eager to learn German – so don`t hesitate to speak German with me. And if you want to know something in Finnish or from Finland, you know whom to contact ;=)

Mukavaa päivän jatkoa teille kaikille! Ystävällisesti – Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Minna

Autorin: Minna Törmänen, Prof. Dr., Dozentin, HfH

HfHnews März 2019


hfhnews [at] (E-Mail an die HfHnews)

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  • Erscheinungsweise ca. sechs Mal jährlich
  • Inhalt Hausmitteilungen der HfH
  • Adressaten Mitarbeitende, Studierende, Hochschulrat und Interessierte
  • Verantwortlich Prof. Dr. Barbara Fäh, Rektorin der HfH
  • Redaktion Sabrina Demergi, MSc Sabine Hüttche