Peter Klaver, Prof. Dr.
Kategorie Personen
Leiter Zentrum Forschung und Wissenstransfer / Professor

- Telefon
- +41 44 317 11 54
- peter.klaver [at]
- Raum
- 333
- Bereich
- Zentrum Forschung und Wissenstransfer
- Studiengänge
- Schulische Heilpädagogik
Tätigkeit an der HfH
- Mitglied der Hochschulleitung
- Mitglied der Kommission F&E der Kammer PH von swissuniversities
- Mitglied des Sounding Board Researchers der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
- Steuerungsmitglied vom Developmental Science Network Zurich
- Steuerungsmitglied vom Netzwerk Forschung Sonderpädagogik
- Gutachter und Betreuer Doktorat im Fachbereich Psychologie
- Begleitung Masterarbeiten Schulische Heilpädagogik
- Privatdozent und Lehrbeauftragter am Psychologischem Institut, Universität Zürich (seit 2011)
- Guest lecturer an der University of Surrey, Vereinigtes Königreich (seit 2019)
- Senior lecturer an der School of Psychology der University of Surrey, Vereinigtes Königreich (2015-2018)
- Mitglied der Ethikkommission der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich (2011-2015) und der Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences der University of Surrey, Vereinigtes Königreich (2016-2018)
- Oberassistent an der Abteilung für Psychopathologie und klinische Intervention des Psychologischen Instituts, Universität Zürich (2010-2015)
- Forschungsgruppenleiter am Zentrum für MR Forschung, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich (2009-2010)
- Postdoktorand am Zentrum für MR Forschung, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich (2006–2009)
- Postdoktorand an der Universität Zürich (2005–2006)
- Postdoktorand an der Epiklinik der Universitätskliniken Bonn (2000–2004)
- Habilitation im Fachgebiet Psychologie an der Universität Zürich in 2010
- Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften an der Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg in 2001
- MSc Psychologie an der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 1995
Forschung zu
- Entwicklungsstörungen des Lernens, Gedächtnisses und der höheren visuellen Kognition: Wie tragen psychologische und biologische und Umweltfaktoren bei zu den Risiken von Lern- und Gedächtnisstörungen und der visuellen Kognition im Schulalter und welche Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten gibt es für Intervention?
- Entwicklung des Lernens, Gedächtnisses und der höheren visuellen Kognition: Wie tragen psychologische und biologische und Umweltfaktoren bei zu der Entwicklung vom Lernen und Gedächtnis und der visuellen Kognition im Schulalter?
- Grundlagen des Lernens, Gedächtnis und der visuellen Kognition: Welche psychologische und biologische und Umweltfaktoren tragen bei zum Lernen, zum Gedächtnis und der visuellen Kognition?
- Biopsychologische Forschungsmethoden, denn ohne Methodenentwicklung gibt es keinen Fortschritt
- REVISA – Recognition of Visual Impairment in (Pre)School Age Kategorie Projekt 01.09.2019 31.07.2021ProjektleitungMartina Schweizer
Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)
- (2016).Inter-hemispheric connectivity of the fusiform gyrus supports memory consolidation for faces.European Journal of Neuroscience,43(9),1137–1145.
- (2015).Developmental changes in gamma-Aminobutyric acid levels in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Translational Psychiatry,5(6),Artikel e589.
- (2015).Effects of steroid hormones on sex differences in cerebral perfusion.PLoS ONE,10(9),Artikel e0135827.
- (2015).Emotional face expression modulates occipital-frontal effective connectivity during memory formation in a bottom-up fashion.Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience,9,Artikel 90.
- (2015).Occipital cortical thickness in very low birth weight born adolescents predicts altered neural specialization of visual semantic category related neural networks.Neuropsychologia,67,41–54.
- (2015).Subcortical glutamate mediates the reduction of short-range functional connectivity with age in a developmental cohort.Journal of Neuroscience,35(22),8433–8441.
- (2014).Age dependent electroencephalography changes in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).Clinical Neurophysiology,125(8),1626–1638.
- (2014).Brain volumes predict neurodevelopment in adolescents after surgery for congenital heart disease.Brain,137,268–276.
- (2014).Hippocampal and posterior parietal contributions to developmental increases in visual short-term memory capacity.Cortex,59,95–102.
- (2013).Behind the scenes: How visual memory load biases selective attention during processing of visual streams.Psychophysiology,50(11),1133–1146.
- (2013).Coupling between resting cerebral perfusion and EEG.Brain Topography,26(3),442–457.
- (2013).Neural activity in the hippocampus predicts individual visual short-term memory capacity.Hippocampus,23(7),606–615.
- (2012).Frontal GABA level change during working memory.PLoS ONE,7(4),Artikel e31933.
- (2011).Congenital prosopagnosia: multistage anatomical and functional deficits in face processing circuitry.Journal of Neurology,258(5),770–782.
- (2011).Microstructural development: organizational differences of the fibre architecture between children and adults in dorsal and ventral visual streams.Human Brain Mapping,32(6),935–946.
- (2011).The left occipitotemporal system in reading: disruption of focal fMRI connectivity to left inferior frontal and inferior parietal language areas in children with dyslexia.Neuroimage,54(3),2426–2436.
- (2011).Visual working memory capacity and stimulus categories: a behavioral and electrophysiological investigation.Experimental Brain Research,209(4),501–513.
- (2010).Distribution of motor unit potential velocities in the biceps brachii of sprinters and endurance athletes during prolonged dynamic exercises at low force levels.journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,20(6),1115–1124.
- (2010).Distribution of motor unit potential velocities in the biceps brachii of sprinters and endurance athletes during short static contractions at low force levels.journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,20(6),1107–1114.
- (2010).Learning to appreciate others: Neural development of cognitive perspective taking.Neuroimage,50(2),837–846.
- (2010).Simultaneous EEG-fMRI during a working memory task: Modulations in low and high frequency bands.PLoS ONE,5(4),Artikel e10298.
- (2009).Children with dyslexia lack multiple specializations along the visual word-form (VWF) system.Neuroimage,47(4),1940–1949.
- (2009).Dysfunctional neural network of spatial working memory contributes to developmental dyscalculia.Neuropsychologia,47(13),2859–2865.
- (2009).Oxytocin makes a face in memory familiar.Journal of Neuroscience,29(1),38–42.
- (2008).Dorsal stream development in motion and structure-from-motion perception.Neuroimage,39(4),1815–1823.
- (2008).Featural and configural face processing strategies: evidence from an fMRI study.Neuroreport,19(3),287–291.
- (2008).Optimized voxel-based morphometry in children with developmental dyscalculia.Neuroimage,39(1),417–422.
- (2008).Role of dorsal and ventral stream development in biological motion perception.Neuroreport,19(18),1763–1767.
- (2008).Strongly lateralized activation in language fMRI of atypical dominant patients - Implications for presurgical work-up.Epilepsy Research,80(1),67–76.
- (2007).Declarative memory formation in hippocampal sclerosis: An intracranial ERP study.Neuroreport,18(4),317–321.
- (2007).Distribution of motor unit potential velocities in short static and prolonged dynamic contractions at low forces: Use of the within-subject's skewness and standard deviation variables.European Journal of Applied Physiology,101(5),647–658.
- (2007).Functional dissociations in top-down control dependent neural repetition priming.Neuroimage,34(4),1733–1743.
- (2006).The effect of word concreteness in recognition memory.Neuroimage,1413-1421(32),Artikel 3.
- (2005).Phase-locking characteristics of limbic P3 responses in hippocampal sclerosis.Neuroimage,24(4),980–989.
- (2005).Rhinal-hippocampal coupling during declarative memory formation: dependence on item characteristics.Neuroscience Letters,407(1),37–41.
- (2005).Word imageability affects the hippocampus in recognition memory.Hippocampus,15(6),704–712.
- (2004).A new approach in clinical neuropsychology to the assessment of spatial working memory: The block suppression test.Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,26(1),105–114.
- (2004).Neural bases of cognitive ERPs: More than phase reset.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,16(9),1595–1604.
- (2004).Neural correlates of successful declarative memory formation and retrieval: the anatomical overlap.Cortex,40(1),200–202.
- (2004).Process dissociation between contextual retrieval and item recognition.NeuroReport,15(18),2729–2733.
- (2004).Temporal and cerebellar brain regions that support both declarative memory formation and retrieval.Cerebral Cortex,14(3),256–267.
- (2004).Using visual advance information: an event-related functional MRI study.Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research,20(2),242–255.
- (2003).Intrasubject reproducibility of presurgical language lateralization and mapping using fMRI.Neurology,60(6),969–975.
- (2003).Is synchronized neuronal gamma activity relevant for selective attention?Brain Research Reviews,42(3),265–272.
- (2003).Menstrual cycle-dependent neural plasticity in the adult human brain is hormone, task, and region specific.Journal of Neuroscience,23(9),3790–3795.
- (2003).Rhinal-hippocampal theta coherence during declarative memory formation: interaction with gamma synchronization?European Journal of Neuroscience,17(5),1082–1088.
- (2002).Brief communication: Human scalp recorded sigma activity is modulated by slow EEG oscillations during deep sleep.International Journal of Neuroscience,112(7),893–900.
- (2002).Covariation of spectral and nonlinear EEG measures with alpha biofeedback.International Journal of Neuroscience,112(9),1047–1057.
- (2002).Human declarative memory formation: Segregating rhinal and hippocampal contributions.Hippocampus,12(4),514–519.
- (2002).Suppression of EEG gamma activity may cause the attentional blink.Consciousness & Cognition,11(1),114–122.
- (2002).The interaction of rhinal cortex and hippocampus in human declarative memory formation.Reviews in the Neurosciences,13(4),299–312.
- (2001).Human memory formation is accompanied by rhinal-hippocampal coupling and decoupling.Nature Neuroscience,4(12),1259–1264.
- (2001).Language mapping in less than 15 minutes: real-time functional MRI during clinical investigation.Neuroimage,14(3),585–594.
- (2001).Working memory processes show different degrees of lateralization: Evidence from event-related potentials.Psychophysiology,38(3),425–439.
- (1999).An event-related brain potential correlate of visual short-term memory.NeuroReport,10(10),2001–2005.
- (1999).Representations in human visual short-term memory: an event-related brain potential study.Neuroscience Letters,268(2),65–68.
Bücher und Buchbeiträge
Weitere Publikationen
- Self-Regulation Development in At-Risk Families in Switzerland: The Importance of Family Resources[Poster].ECER 2022, Education in a changing world,Yerevan, Armenien.
- Self-Regulation Development in At-Risk Families: The Importance of Family Resources[Konferenzvortrag].EARLI SIG5 2022 Conference, Learning and Development in Early Childhood. Changing times in ECEC: New Opportunities for fostering development and improving sustainability,Utrecht, Niederlande.
- Neural firing in the medial temporal lobe reflects visual working memory workload and capacity[Poster].Workshop on intracranial recordings in humans (WIRED): Epilepsy, DBS,Paris, Frankreich.
- Medial temporal lobe neural firing is associated with working memory workload and individual capacity[Poster].OHBM Annual Meeting,Rom, Italien.
- Hippocampal connectivity volumes predict intellectual functions in adolescents after neonatal surgery for congenital heart disease[Poster].European Conference of Cognitive Neuropsychology,Bressanone, Italy.
- Visual working memory load and capacity dependent processing of task and distractor items in a fronto-parietal-hippocampal network[Konferenzabstract].Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR),Seattle, USA.
- Emotion sensitivity and task instruction affect brain activity and working memory performance for emotional faces[Konferenzvortrag].German Psychological Society Conference for Experimentally Working Psychologists (TeaP),Hildesheim, Germany.
- Spatial working memory in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder[Poster].International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging (BaCI),Geneva, Schweiz.
- Reduced basal ganglia GABA in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder[Poster].International society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),Salt Lake City, USA.
- Hippocampal activity predicts successful object-location binding during short-term memory maintenance[Poster].Neuroscience 2012,New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Memory binding in hippocampus predicts successful associative memory in children[Poster].42th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Comparing MELODIC and the Conn toolbox and the impact on physiological artifact correction in resting state fMRI using DRIFTER[Poster].29th European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB),Lisbon, Portugal.
- The hippocampus and posterior parietal cortex: Two interacting brain regions during maintenance.[Poster].Amsterdam Memory Slam,Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Individual differences affect the influence of emotional face expression on visual short-term memory and brain activity[Konferenzvortrag].Amsterdam Memory Slam,Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Life span differences in episodic memory (EM): retrieval processes in children, adolescents and young adults[Poster].Amsterdam Memory Slam,Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Life span differences in episodic memory: Different behavioural expression in children and adults is expected to reflect ongoing maturation processes in neural network[Poster].ZNZ Symposium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Right hippocampal activity predicts performance in short-term maintenance of object-location associations[Poster].ZNZ Symposium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- (2011).Neurodevelopment of the visual system in typically developing children.In O. Braddick, J. Atkinson, & G. Innocenti (Hrsg.),Gene Expression to Neurobiology and Behavior: Human Brain Development and Developmental Disorders,189,113–136.
- The lateral parietal cortex plays a pivotal role in episodic buffer: An fMRI study[Poster].Neuroscience 2011,Washington, D.C., USA.
- Efficient strategic processing in working memory implemented by a fronto-temporal neural network, promotes episodic memory formation[Poster].ZNZ Symposium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- The lateral parietal cortex plays a pivotal role in episodic buffer: An fMRI study[Poster].ZNZ Symposium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- (Almost) fully developed high order visual neural networks in premature born adolescents[Konferenzvortrag].Research Conference of the European Society Foundation - Gene expression to neurobiology and behavior: human brain development and developmental disorders,Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spanien.
- Development of higher visual function - normal visual perception and visuo-motor deficits[Konferenzvortrag].International Conference of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics (ESMRN),Zürich, Schweiz.
- Neural mechanisms of memory: The role of sensory and conceptual information on memory operations[Konferenzvortrag].Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology: Differences, Diversity, and Change,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Distinct effect of selective attention on repetition priming: an event-related fMRI and intracranial ERP study[Konferenzvortrag].Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM),Budapest, Hungary.
Andere Referate/Vorträge (im Berufsfeld, Vorlesung an Hochschule etc.)
- Working memory in the hippocampus: perspectives for brain development.Research Seminar at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Brunel University of London,London, UK.
- Functional and structural connectivity of the hippocampus in the developing brain.CUBIC conference at Brunel University of London,London, UK.
- Working memory in the hippocampus: developmental evidence.Brain and Behavior Group meeting, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,Guildford, UK.
- Testing of mobile app in the prevention and recovery of learning difficulties of children and adolescents with a history of neonatal hypoxia.Annual meeting of the Swiss Academy of Childhood Development Symposium,Aarau, Schweiz.
- Visual working memory in typical and atypical development.Autumn Research Seminar,Stirling, UK.
- Visual working memory: typical and atypical development.School seminar at the University of Surrey, School of Psychology,Guildford, UK.
- Do atypical predictors account for atypical development?EGPN Early Years workshop,Guildford, UK.
- Probabilistic tractography: a method for studying (atypical) development.Brain and Behaviour Research Group, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,Guildford, UK.
- Typical and atypical networks of memory and visual cognition in the developing brain.Development Research Group meeting, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,Guildford, UK.
- Typical and atypical networks of memory and visual cognition in the developing brain.Zentrum für Integrative Humanphysiologie, Lunch Seminar,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Die Entwicklung des Gehirns sichtbar machen.BrainFair: Gehirn & Technologie,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Bildgebung des heranwachsenden Gehirns.BrainFair - Brain & Technology,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Imaging the developing brain.Research Brain Imaging Seminar,Bonn, Deutschland.
- Remembering the song of your life.Sendung "Mein Lied", Radio SRF1,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Social memory and oxytocin.Facelab Meeting, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Bern,Bern, Schweiz.
- Aktives Lernen und Gedächtnis.Workshop, ZHAW,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Neuronale Mechanismen des Gedächtnisses: Ein Transfer in die Praxis.Regionalkonferenz: Schulen auf dem Mutschellen,Berikon, Schweiz.
- Emotion und Gedächtnis: Wie sich unser Gehirn emotionale Ereignisse erinnert.BrainFair Vortrag in Sekundarschule Rämibühl,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Memory systems.Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar, Institut de psychologie, Université de Lausanne,Lausanne, Schweiz.
- Event-related potentials and memory formation.Wirtschafttheoretisches Seminar "Neuroeconomics",Bonn, Deutschland.
- Brain functions in prematurely born children.Forschungskolloquium,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Chilean miners.Zürich, Schweiz.
- Typical and atypical networks of memory and cognition in the developing brain.Brain Research and Development Meeting,Zürich, Schweiz.
- Visual working memory in the medial temporal lobe.Network of intracranial research in epilepsy,Zürich, Schweiz.